Lee's Two Stroke Links

1973 RD350

Thanks for your visit to Lee's 2 Stroke Links.
Due to increased traffic, this site may be down toward the end of the month.
This is a free site, and once 512 MB of bandwith are used for the month
the site will shut down until the 1st of the next month.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


    Strictly RZ Stuff

Lee's RZ350                             Pics of my '84 RZ350
World's Rarest RZ?                  My Latest Project Bike
Sandy's RZ Restoration             A few pics of a really nice restored '84 single seat bike
RZ's Unlimited                         Preserving the Heritage of the RZ - Parts and Stuff
RZ350 Site                              Nice pics, custom RZ's
Grafix for your RZ350             Redoing your RZ?  You'll need some of these.
Tapeworks                                More graphics options - Under Yamaha Logos
RZ 500 Owner's Group             The Killer Bike from Canada
Damian's RZ 350 Page
RZ350parts.com                         Need parts?  This guy says he has 40 parted out RZ's
RZ350 Tech Page                     Wiring Diagrams, Microfiche, etc.
Russ' Custom RZ                    Upside down forks and all
RZ350 Magazine Article Archives
Dave's Custom RZ                    YZR MotoGP Clone Project
                           French RZ/RD Site

Mico Products               Custom RZ500 Frames

YSR 50 Links

World's Rarest YSR?                  My Latest Project Bike
RZ50 in E-Powersports Feature    Enthusiast of the Month
Team Calamari                              Go racing with your YSR
Racing - Iowa                               Central Iowa YSR Racing
Racing - Midwest                           Midwest YSR Racing League
Racing - Chicago                             Chicago YSR Racing
Racing - California                         California Motorcycle Road Race Association
Toomey Racing                               Go Fast Stuff for YSR's
Northwest YSR50 Enthusiasts
YSR Registry
Airtech                                         Mild to Wild Replacement Bodywork - Check out the YZR!
SPEC II                                        Pipes and Stuff
Wings Cycle Research                    YSR Stuff
Sharkskinz YSR Bodywork              When you need to replace your body
YSR Discussion Board                     On Yahoo!
MiniMoto Madness                        YSR's and Pocketbikes
1000 Miles in a Day                       On a YSR!
Yamaha Japan                               Cool RZ50

  Air cooled/mixed stuff

My 1973 RD350                           Just like Mom's 1st bike!
In Memory of Marty                   A friend and RD Fan
Epic Yamaha Motorcycles             Yamaha Website with Key bikes over the last 47+ years
WWW.RD350.NL                        Dutch Yamaha 2 Strokes
The RD Forum          Got a question?
The RZ/RD 350 Tech Board         Got another question?
The RZ/RD 500 Tech Board          Can't get it to run on all 4?
Moto Carrera                                Tons of cool stuff for RD/RZ fans
Alek's RD Homepage                      UK Yamahas from 50-500 cc's
RD/RZ 350 Pages                          Lots of info, specs, ads
Trip's RD200 Page                        Could be the world's largest collection of RD200's
Planet 2 Stroke                              Aircooled RD Site
Aircooled RD Club                         Aircooled RD Club Home Page
RD Info Pages                                Info about UK 250/350 LC's
Tony's RD 400 Site                       2 Stroke Smoke Zone
Hutch's RD Site                             RD400 Dragbike and other cool stuff
Liquid Cooled                                  LC Yamahas from Europe
SPEC II                                         RD/RZ Stuff to go fast
Runner RD/RZ                               RD/RZ Stuff from Japan (?) My computer only loads the pics
Andy's "Elsie" Page                         UK LC Club
Two Stroked Tom                            RD Page from Holland
350LC Archives                                Covering LC's from '80 to '95
Oliver Racing                                    Racing a Yamaha YZR500.
Erlenbach Racing                              165 mph on an RD400
The Yamaha RD Saga                        Racing and Restoring AC Yamahas
Rebirth of an RD                             Check out JR's RD project
Rojer's RD Info
Vintage Yamaha Owner's Club
Yamaha RD350 YPVS Page
Vince's Yamaha RD                            Yamaha RD Links & Guy Stuff
Killer Dutch RD                               Boogaard's Bike
RD Dreams                                     RD Parts from India
Scott's RD Resto                          '75 RD 350
RD350 Magazine Article Archives
RD400 Magazine Article Archives
Direct Marketing Network              Lots of Vintage Yamaha Parts
Yamaha TZ Discussion on Yahoo
Rik's TZ / RD Combo                Cool!
TZ350.com                                Dedicated to vintage Yamaha racebikes
TSR Software                           World's fastest RD400
PGM Yamaha                              Scottish site for RD and RZ Parts
Speed and Sport
                        PA Source for lots of NOS Yamaha Parts
BSM RD350 Club                   Indian RD Site

Team Green Classic Kawasaki        Pages for Kawi-H fans
Purple Haze Racing                      Kawasaki Triple Specialists
Kawasaki Triples Meeting Place    I never can get this one to load right.........
N. American Kawi Triple Club      Where Triple means Heat
UK Classic Kawi Rally 2000         Pictures
Triples Chat                                Kawasaki Triples chat board
Kawasaki H2/H1 Home Page          Nice info and pics
Gordon's Triple Page
Simon's Classic Kawasakis          UK Triples
Tomcat's Triples Worldwide
Triple Resource Center          Wiring Diagrams, Paint Codes, Part Numbers, etc.
Triple Ed                              Lots of cool Triple Pictures
Triple Resource Center      Tons of H2 Info
H2 Madness                         Dallas area Kawi specialists
KR250                                 The KR250 Page
Swedish Triples Club
German Triples Club
Austrian Triples Club
Kawasaki Moto GP and GP history     Cool Kawasaki History Page
Green Meanies    Triples Racing Pictures

Smoke Riders                     The ultimate site for GT Fans
RG500 Gamma Page           Another Grey Market Bike (at least in the US)
RG500                             Dutch Site
T500 Fantastic                Suzuki T500 Fantastic Page - Switzerland
T500 Chat                       Suzuki's T500 Twin and Triple Two-stroke Message Board
Sundial Moto Sports        Building and  Racing Suzuki T500's
Lance Gamma                   Specializing in Hot Rod Gammas
Suzuki T & GT Club         Dutch Site for GT Fans
Cobra Racing                   Racing a TR500 in the UK
Gunnar's Suzuki GT750J
Suzuki 500                     International Suzuki 500 Fanatics Site
RGV Steve's                   Motorcycles and more
Suzuki RV's and AC's     Ya Gotta read Dutch for this one
Team Spencer                T200 Suzuki Racers
Rigas 500                     Another Gamma Lover
RGV 250                     Another Gamma Lover

Honda NS400R Page - Honda exotica (at least to the US)
Jamie's NSR Homepage
Mike's NSR 250 Page
NSR250 Ice Racing      - From Sweden
Honda Exotic Grey Bikes    - NSRs, RVFs
NSR Laboratory          - Brush up on your Japanese
Honda Racing                - NSR's for sale in the US
NSR Racing                 - Western Australia Site
NSR 250Rsp                 - New Zealand Site
NSR 250Mc28

Mototek Imports      Go fast stuff for you Aprilia (RS50 2 Stroker)
RS500      Street Legal GP Bike

Scott's Bridgestone Page      Repair and Maintenance
Bridgestone Motorcycles On Line      Home of Bridgestone Motorcycle Enthusiasts on the Net!
Jim's Bridgestone Motorcycles      Lots of Bridgestone Info

Hercules IG Page      Also including DKW, Victoria, and Express brands

Indian 2 Stroke Chat Board      On Yahoo!
Indian 2 Stroke Website
Another Indian 2 Stroke Website
Mini Indian Motorcycle Tribe      Dedicated to preserving Indian Mini Cycles
Post 1953 Indian Motorcycle History

Aermacchi HD     Italian Made Harleys - some of them were 2 strokes
Aermacchi  Parts and bikes for sale

Non-Brand Specific Sites for 2 Strokes

Two Stroke Webring
Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club - Not just for smokers
Jayman's Two-Stroke Page - Mainly Yamaha - See restorations in progress
Pro Flo - You say your 2 stroke is just not fast enough? Click here for help.
Ash's Home Page - UK 2 Strokes
Animated 2 Stroke Motor - Takes a while to load, pretty cool.
2 Stroke Hooligans Club - Are you a Hooligan?
Larsson's Racing - 2 stroke tech - Design your own pipe
Roehr Motorcycles - State of the art 500cc 2 Strokes - Coming to a street near you soon
50cc Street Bikes - 2 and 4 stroke 50cc Street Bikes - YSRs, NSR 50's, and Honda Minis
www.50cc-motorcycles.com - The name says it all - Dozens of different 50cc street scoots
The Red Baron - Dealing in US exotica, including a lot of 2 strokes
Paul's Hole in One Site - This has nothing to do with golf
TwoStroke.com- Parts for Grand Prix 2 strokers
Airtech - Bodywork for 2 strokes - and everything else.
TSR - Two Stroke racing software
Jha - Japanese market bikes and parts, including many Two Strokes
GP Star - Need a racing 2 stroke in Hollywood?
2 Stroke Buzz  - Racing Scooters
Race Pro  - Making your 2 Stroke faster
Jacques Strappe  - A safe haven for 2 strokers - lots of cool pics
Another Bike Nut  - Dutch 2 Stroke Fanatic
Dr. VonStrangemind  - Custom old 2 strokes
Mega 2 Stroke Classifieds  - Buy or Sell (are you nuts?) your 2 stroke
RK Tek  - Custom Torque Line heads for your 2 stroker
Trade Perfect  - Dealing in small CC 2 stroke bikes on the left coast
S.O.S.  - Vintage 2 Strokes in England
IMPEX  - NOS Parts straight from Japan
2 Stroke Chat - On YAHOO!
MotoMorphic - Cool One-off bikes, including NSRs and YSRs
MacDizzy - Lots of 2 stroke How-To articles
French Style 2 Strokes - CRM125 , Cagiva Supercity, Suzuki TSX 250
Moped Mayhem - Endurance racing on 50cc bikes in England
Red Racing Parts - Italian Racing stuff for 2 strokes
S and R Racing - Parts and Stuff for US and Grey Market Strokers
Rocket Rider - Vintage Japanese 2 Strokes
Mikes Bikes - Save the 2 Strokes
2 Stroke.cc - Multi brand stroker site
Jim Lomas Pipes - Pipes for 2 Strokers
SBR - Small Bore Racing RD's , YSR's
German 50c Gearshifters
Kreidler, Hercules, Zundapp

Non 2 Stroke Sites, Yet Cool Nonetheless

Bikers Rights Online
Motorcycle Start 4 All - If you can find a site with more cycle links than this, let me know
Moto Links - Lots of Links
Look Smart Motorcycles
Chicago Vintage Motorcycle - Discussion Forum
Leakers Gas Tank Repair - Don't trash that old tank
Fuel Tank Renu - Fix it!
Alfa Heaven - Parting out Tons of 70's Japanese Bikes
Vintage Cycle Parts NOS - Lots of NOS parts
U-Need-A-Part - Cool way to search salvage yards for parts
Reproduction Decals - For Vintage Cycles
WERA - Vintage Roadracing
AHRMA - American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association
VJMW - Vintage Japanese Motorcycle World

2 Stroke Rides
Deals Gap 2 Stroke Extravaganza  May 15 and 16th 04  Pics1   Pics2  Pics3  Pics4 

Suzuki Gamma Track Day Aug 23-24 Gingerman, MI
Wildcat Mountain 100
     100 Miles on Bikes 100cc or less!
Kawasaki Triples Meet
- Sears Point 2000

Bridgestone Rally July 4-6 2003 Rockford Illinois Pics
Smoke on the Water 2000 Pics - JR's pics from the 1st Ohio Rally
K.I.S.S. Pictures - August 19th, 2000, Sandusky Ohio
IL-WI 2 Stroke Ride - Pictures - Sept. 10th 2000
Slimey Cruds Run Fall 2000 - Pictures from the Madison WI annual Cruds Ride - Some 2 strokes
Illinois Ride to the Slimey Cruds Spring Run - May 6th
Spring 2001 MI 2 Stroke Ride
Smoke on the Water 2001 Pics - A great get-together in Ohio
Smoke on the Water 2001 Pics - From JR
Smoke on the Water 2001 Pics - From Haley
Hansen Dam 2 Stroke Rally 2001 - Cool pics from California
Bridgestone Owners Rally  - June 15-17 2001, Townsend TN
NJ Spring 2001 2 Stroke Ride - Pictures
Track Day - Norway Cart Track - Norway IL - YSR's and Super Motards
Goose Island (Chicago) TT - Street Racing on sub 100cc bikes
2 Stroke Rally Deals Gap '03    Pics #1
2 Stroke Rally Deals Gap '03    Pics #2
2 Stroke Rally Deals Gap '03    Pics #3
2 Stroke Rally Deals Gap '03    Pics #4
2 Stroke Rally Deals Gap '03    Pics #5

Do you have a favorite 2 stroke related link and don't see it here?  E-mail me the site and I will add it!

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Site Updated 7/31/04
