Lee's Honda Mini TrailPage
If you are into bikes, and between the ages of 30 and 40 (or so), you probably either owned a Honda Mini Trail, or wanted one.  I fit into the latter category.  I remember seeing them around when I was a kid.  Honda's Z50 seemed so cool compared to the 'other' mini bikes out there.  Three speeds and a real motorcycle look beat a lawn mower motor and centrifugal clutch every time.  One of my friends had a CT70, and another had an XR75.  However, I couldn't talk my parents into buying me one of these, even though they both rode bikes.  By the time I could afford a bike of my own, mini bikes were the last thing on my mind.

Last year (1999) I got bit by the Mini bug.  Every night on the internet I looked at the ad pages, watching for the right bike that wasn't half-way across the county.  I watched bikes go on E-Bay for huge sums of money.  I finally hit it just right.  I found an ad for a '75 Honda XR75.  I e-mailed the guy and said I was interested, but I was really looking for a Z50.  He said I was in luck, that he was working on one and would have it ready to go in a month or so.  I bought a '70 Z50AK2 and a '75 XR75 for a total of $1200.  The bikes were only about 2 hours from where I live.

Check back here for more info.

       Coming - Watch my Z50AK2 Restoration as it progresses.

        Coming - Tons of Mini Trail and Mini Bike Links.

          Elvis rode a Mini Trail (sort of)

        Coming - Cool Mini Pictures.

         Coming - XR75 Stuff.